Friday, December 30, 2011


It's the last Friday of the year 2011 today :D

Have you done what you planned to do in 2011?

While studying for Fundamental Of Nursing just now,
suddenly there's this urge to write a review on 2011.

Tahan dulu, Lim Li Kar!

Will need to spend a lot of time on that post
I better stick to my original plan.

Study for final first ><"

Start my new year with exams...zzzz""

guess I'll have to
leave it until 13th January 2012.

Dear 2011,

Sunday, December 25, 2011


It's my first Christmas here in Kuching, Sarawak.

First time ever in my life
that I encounter such heavy downpour on Dec 25.

The rain started at about 12.30am
on Christmas day.

It's 10.45pm already
and the rain continues like
it's been 10 years of drought =.=

. . .

Yesterday was my boring-est Christmas Eve ever!

Planned to go for Japanese buffet and movie initially
but all the girls were busy studying for
their End of Block exam...

Luckily Magret invited me over to her house
for a simple Christmas dinner :D

Went back to hostel and study after the dinner.

Li Kar STUDIED on Christmas Eve!!


Sound so not me ><"

Oh well~

As expected,
Christmas this year will be boring without my KL friends around me.

Thank God for his guidance, protection
not forgetting His greatest Love.

Receive a couple of presents
loving my buddy's sweet potato soup ^-^ *wee*